Tutorial and Demo for Shape Of You with Candy Sherwin, choreographed by Jennifer Oliphant. 32 counts, 4 walls. Please like, share and comment on this video! And please subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you so much for watching. I am available for private lessons and events for line dancing and country 2-step. I conduct workshops regularly at Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, CA, where I am the Lead instructor. Contact me at
Step Sheet
Intro – 16 counts
(1-8) Walk R & L, Step ½ turn, Step ½ turn, out, out, in, in, Hip rolls
1-2 Walk forward R, L
3&4& Step forward R ½ turn (weight on L), Step forward R ½ turn (weight on L)
5&6& Hop forward Out (R), Out (L), Then return to original position In (R), In (L)
7-8 Roll hips 2 counts (weight on L)
(9-16) Weave R, Step R, Slide L, Shuffle L, ¼ turn L, Rocking horse
1&2& Weave R (Step R to side, L behind, R to side, L front)
3-4 Step R to side, Slide L into R
5&6 Shuffle L (L, R, L)
7&8& ¼ turn L, Rocking horse (R forward, Recover L, R back, Recover L)
(17-24) ¼ L, Hip bumps, 1/4 turn L Coaster, R heel, L heel, R forward body roll
1-2 ¼ turn L, Step R to side, 2 hip bumps to R
3&4 Turn ¼ Left Swinging Left back, Right next to Left, Step forward on Left
5-6 R heel forward, L heel forward
7-8 R forward, push shoulders forward, body roll down (weight on L)
(25-32) Coaster, R ½ turn kick, Coaster, L Rock Recover, Step
1&2 Right Coaster (Step Back on R, Left Next to Right, and forward on R)
3-4 Step forward L, ½ turn R, kick R forward
5&6 Right Coaster (Step Back on R, Left Next to Right, and forward on R)
7&8 Rock L to side, Recover R, Step forward L
No Tags, No Restarts! This is a very flirty song so get into it and enjoy!